Welcome to Murder, Mayhem and Long Dogs. This is a site dedicated to crime fiction and thriller reviews, trashy book covers and the occasional photo of Dachshunds!
My name is Jeff Popple. I have lifelong interest in crime fiction and thrillers and from 1982 to 2015 I was the crime fiction reviewer for the Canberra Times. I now do a weekly book column in the Canberra Weekly. I am also a regular contributor to George Easter’s Deadly Pleasures magazine. I have also contributed in the past to magazines such as Mean Streets and Crime Factory. I have done several book launches, public interviews and panel sessions with authors and I am on the Selection Committee for the Ned Kelly Awards, the Ngaio Marsh Awards and the Barry Awards.
I look forward to sharing my reviews and photos of my three Dachshunds, Toby, Layla and Oreo. I am also going to have a weekly session on trashy covers from my collection of pulp fiction.