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Posted by on 29 Jan, 2021 in Australian Crime Fiction, Australian Pulp, Men's Adventure, Pulp, trashy covers, Trashy Tuesday | 0 comments

TRASHY TUESDAY: Larry Kent covers

TRASHY TUESDAY: Larry Kent covers

Cell Cutie by Larry Kent (Cleveland, No. 96, 1962?)

In a recent book haul I picked up a couple of early Larry Kent novelettes (50 pages) from the early 1960s.

The first is Cell Cutie (No. 96), which has a nice cover, presumably by Walter Stackpoole. These early Stackpoole covers were quite evocative and this one is no exception, with a good sense of menace and drama.

Blonde For Benny by Larry Kent (Cleveland, No. 78, 1961)

The Stackpoole cover for Blonde For Benny (Cleveland, No.78, 1961) is less dramatic, but just as effective.

Silhouette In Sin by Larry Kent (Cleveland, No. 97, 1962?)

I have featured Silhouette In Sin (No. 97, 1962) before, but it fits in nicely here with its action Stackpoole cover.

Lady On A Short Fuse by Larry Kent, (Cleveland, No. 687, 1971?)

Lady On A Short Fuse is a much later Larry Kent novel (1971?) and does not feature a Stackpoole cover. It is more typical of the late 1960s/early 1970s covers, which almost universally featured a semi-clothed woman in the foreground and some action, or a figure, in the background. It also falls before the period when Cleveland mainly used cover art work by the Spanish syndicated art agency Nova Bossa, which tended to be more violent and sexualised in their approach.

This one is interesting because it is the only cover I have seen where Larry Kent, presumably, is wearing a pirate shirt!

Here is a link to a couple of my other posts on Larry Kent covers

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